The Hearing Trumpet, Part I

The Hearing Trumpet

Part I

26 February – 26 March 2022

Organized by Danielle Shang

Galerie Marguo is pleased to present The Hearing Trumpet, Part I, the first installment of a group exhibition gathering artists of Asian descent from the Americas and Europe. The title of the exhibition is adopted from the late Leonora Carrington’s fantastical novel The Hearing Trumpet (1974)


The participating artists include Pio AbadNaotaka HiroPearl C. HsiungCe JianYeni MaoTammy NguyenAnna Sew HoySean Shim-BoyleXIE LeiZHANG Yunyao, and Ye Qin Zhu. Their works span all disciplines and articulate negotiations of multiple and sometimes clashing histories and identities, the processing of trauma and new awareness, and different notions of temporalities and spatialities that are informed by personal memories, collective experiences, and conceived in different social and cultural contexts.